Nanoú to Panagía Straterí to Agios Prokópios to Horió
From Yialós, a fast water-taxi to Nanoú Beach takes approximately 20-30 minutes, dependin on whether it stops elsewhere en route. There are spectacular views of the island's eastem cliffs, particularly as you pass Ágios Geórgios Dysálona. Nanoú's landing jetty is at the northem end of the bay.
The ascent from Nanoú beach's Ágios Pandeleímon monastery to the central ridge at Panagla Straterí takes about 45+ minutes, and can be tiring in hot weather. There are fallen pine needles on sections of the upper path and you will benefit from footwear with a reasonable grip on the sole. From Straterí it is 60-70 minutes' walk via Agios Prokópios to Horió. Alternatives from Panagía Straterí to Horió are via Panagía Hamón (Walk 13 in reverse) or to simply walk along the motorway until the signed turning down to Panagía Styloú (see below).
From the north jetty, walk along Nanoú's stony beach until you reach a fenced enclosure- apparently for camping - then turn right and inland, towards the monastery of Agios Pandeleímon Nanoú at the centre of the back of the valley. Behind the enclosure, by a large tree, an unexpectedly solid concrete path leads to the church.
South of the camping enclosure is a small seasonal taverna, then another enclosure. There is another landing point at the far southern end of the bay. If you were to arrive at this southem end, you can follow a rough stony path inland around the left of the walled enclosure. Then follow the appropriate branches- mostly the right-hand ones - towards Ágios Pandeleímon.
Go behind the monastery. There is a small concrete wall abutted to the cliff- walk round to the right of this wall and into the stream bed behind. You will be following occasional pale blue paint markings. Stay in the stream bed, and pass to the right of both a small building and a small. nearby rock outcrop. Swing to the left behind the outcrop and follow the faint path.
This path runs up onto the left-hand (southern) side of the gorge, under the clilis and soM raises itself above the main gorge floor, It wanders across patches of scree and occasionany tractures, but the main route should be obyvious, About 15 minutes from Agios Pandelemon reach the entrance mouth of a huge cave to the left of the path, Four minutes further on, the junction of the main valley and a small side branch to right, your path continues in uie hand valley. Cross a large gully bed about five minutes later, before a short, steep, zigzag climb brings you back into woodland. This is followed by a further zigzag climb which, though only for a few minutes, can be particularly humid and tiring in hot conditions.
The path heads more purposefully upvalley, passing a large clump of rocks. A rocky path staircase swings up to the right to go around a cypress tree. A little further, and the path passes an open, seaward view to the right before crossing to the other side of the valley. Here, an initially steep climb brings you out in the open, about 35 minutes above the sea-level monastery. Head inland - an electricity pole ahead marks the end of your ascent - to arrive at the asphalt motorway and the small monastery of Panagía Straterí.
Turn right at Straterí, on the motorway, heading north. In about 3 minutes you reach a partly cleared area among large cypress trees, with a dirt track signed to Ágios Prokópios down to the left. A short way before the dirt track, and also on the left-hand side of the road, are various blue crosses and a red arrow on a tree. These lead back on a stony little path - initially parallel with the road you have come along - towards Stavrós Polémou (Walk 20).
Tum left down the dirt track to Ágios Prokópios, then right at the first junction, to reach the small monastery church (open; early frescoes) in a few minutes. Take a rough path around the right-hand side of the monastery fence, to join a more obvious, waymarked/cairned path that continues along the wooded valley floor. The path eventually leaves the pine woodland, climbing gently on the right-hand side of the valley and becoming more stony. It crosses a ridge and then zigzags down into a narrow valley (which is that of the out-of-sight Ágios Konstandínos monastery), to cross a stream bed and then head away more directly on the far side. Follow the path along the hillside, until the motorway comes into view above and the monastery church of Panagía Styloú (courtyard closed) ahead. Take the obvious right, where the path forks on the hillslope, to arrive at the monastery about 13 minutes after the valley-bed. Go a short distance onwards up the church's concrete road, but turn left (right goes up to the motorway) towards the monastery of Agía Ekateríni (courtyard locked), reached in about 4 minutes.
Pass to the right of Agía Ekateríni. A short zigzag brings you to a gated path between walled enclosures, then the kalderími resumes and starts downhill in the general direction of the Mihail Perivliótis monastery. More sharp zigzags bring you to emerge on a sharply looping corner of the descending asphalt road. Head off downhill to the junction of the motorway and the Taxiárhis Mihail Roukouniótis road (off left).
Below you are the further remnants of the kalderími. You can go back left a little here and scramble down carefully to join it, but it is steep, slippery and covered with dumped rubbish including broken glass; preferably you should go along the main road to the right for a couple of minutes and take a less steep, though still somewhat slippery path (opposite a dirt track up right) to join the kalderími. (Alternatives are to stay on the asphalt to the right and wind your long way down into Horió, or to go back left to the Mihail Perivliótis monastery and turn back down to the right - walk 4a in reverse) Follow the kalderimi downt to a junction with the Mihail Perivliótis-Horió kalderími and go right, down into Horió.